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[게임] [매우 지루함] '동물의 숲'에서 게임도중 그냥 나갔을 경우 발생하는 문제.

아이콘 수달사순
댓글: 1 개
조회: 8008
2014-11-29 12:09:48


영어공부하시는 분은 요걸로 공부하시면 될지싶네요 ㅎㅎㅎ




Mr.Resetti 의 설교를 다 들어야함...


요약 : 너 게임 왜 나감? 설교들으셈. (극 요약 : 6번째 설교듣다가 짜증나서 나갔다 들어오면, 5번째부터 들어야함.)


듣다 지겨워서 종료한후 다시 들어오면,


설교하는데 왜 나감? 다시 들으셈.




업로드된 날짜: 2008. 6. 14.

IT'S SO BRIGHT IT HURTS MY BRAIN! Heh, even though Mr. Resetti doesn't play that big of a role in Animal Crossing, he's still one of my favorite characters. (And also one of my favorite assist trophies in Brawl.)

Anyway... This is all of Mr. Resetti's Monologue, from Animal Crossing on the Gamecube. He only has eight speeches (seven if you don't include Don's.) The ninth speech starts from the sixth speech and then again from the 12th, etc., so the last three keep repeating.

Also, hear how the "animalese" speech almost makes it sound like he's actually saying the text in certain parts? :P

Note: This has nothing to do with Mr. Resetti as an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl or any "history" project. I've had this idea (among others) on the back burner for a long time, so I decided to go ahead and post the video since I already had captured the clips for it.



다 듣기 전까진 게임 플레이불가




RTS 장르의 게임을 하던도중 그냥 나갈 경우, 이런 시스템 도입하면 참 편해질텐데 말이죠...


Lv87 수달사순

Les morts ne parlent pas.

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