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[정보] 모든 대륙에 2팀 체제 불가 확정

아이콘 Leeka
댓글: 109 개
조회: 51424
추천: 2
2014-11-22 23:13:59
  • We’re instituting a new policy to better distinguish between LCS team owners, brand owners, and those who sell sponsorships for LCS teams to uphold competitive integrity and prevent conflicts of interest.
  • Those selling sponsorships on behalf of LCS teams will no longer be able to also own LCS team branding.
  • 2014 LCS teams Evil Geniuses and Alliance will be playing under different brands (names, logos, etc.) next season.
  • GoodGame Agency, which currently sells sponsorships on behalf of both teams, will continue to do so.

라이엇에서 공식적으로, 2팀 체제를 모든 롤드컵과 연계된 리그에서 금지시켰습니다. 

관련된 팀 중 하나인 EG와 얼라이언스의 경우, 

다음 시즌에 다른 스폰서를 구해서, 다른 이름으로 참가하게 됩니다. 

Multiple Team Restriction

No Team Owner or Team Manager may own or control, directly or indirectly, or have a direct (e.g., ownership) or indirect (e.g., a contractual arrangement) financial interest, or be an employee or contractor of, more than one League of Legends team in a professional e-sports league. Any buyback provision, right of first purchase, or similar interest in a Team shall be treated as a controlling interest in such Team for the purposes of enforcing ownership restrictions.

For purpose of clarification, the League Championship Series in North America, the League Championship Series in Europe, the Garena Premier League/League of Legends Master Series, the OnGameNet Champions League, and the Tencent LoL Professional League, and any other league that is eligible to qualify a Team to the League of Legends World Championships, are considered professional e-sports leagues.

The League shall have the right to make final and binding determinations regarding Team ownership, issues relating to the multiple team restriction and other relationships that may otherwise have an adverse impact on the competitive integrity of the LCS. Team Owner agrees that it will not contest any final determination of the League in connection therewith.

LCS EU / LCS NA / 롤챔스 / LPL / GPL / LMS.  그 외 롤드컵에 팀을 보낼 수 있는 모든 리그는 2팀 체제가 불가능합니다. 

덧붙이자면, 2부리그의 경우 '롤드컵에 팀을 보내는 리그'가 아니기 때문에 중복 소유가 가능합니다만

그 팀이 1부리그로 승격될 경우 해당 팀을 다른 스폰서에게 팔거나 스폰을 중단해야 합니다.

모든 대륙의 리그가 스프링 - 올스타전 - 섬머 - 롤드컵 - 프리시즌.  순으로 통합.
코칭스태프가 정식 멤버로 등록 및 밴/픽에 참가 가능.
모든 대륙의 리그는 2팀 체제 불가. 와 같이 
기존 시즌에 대륙별로 차이가 있던 부분을 일원화 하고 있다고 보면 될것 같네요. 

원문 : http://na.lolesports.com/articles/new-sale-sponsorships-rule

Lv71 Leeka

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