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[일반] 트레이서, 겐지 유용한 루트 정리 / Introduce useful routes for Genji and Tracer

아이콘 임시1
댓글: 34 개
조회: 20250
추천: 84
2017-05-15 15:35:51
화물을 이용한 고지대 먹기, 발판 이런것들만 촬영하여 핵심만 올려보았습니다. 자동재생이며, 아래 링크로 누르면 더 편하게 맵별로 확인가능합니다. (하이퍼링크 적용됨)

I have uploaded some useful routes or pathways for Genji and Tracer on my YouTube Channel. For instance, by using a payload as a foothold, you may occupy high ground in advance as well as be able to go where the enemies would have not expected. (Hyperlink applied)


추가적인 장소 코멘트 환영합니다 :)
I'll appreciate that if you let me know additional routes on your own knowledge.

Lv54 임시1

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