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[징벌] 와우헤드에 레이드 관련 징기 코멘트 올라왔네요

아이콘 크라운싼도
댓글: 6 개
조회: 2900
2022-03-29 20:18:47

Retribution has had a pretty medium start to this tier. For the first couple of weeks,  Divine Purpose was bugged to grant two empowered Holy power spenders per proc instead of one if you had the tier set bonus, which slightly inflated Ret's damage numbers higher than they should have been. Now that we've seen a week's worth of parses without that bug, Ret seems very middling - ok on everything, but not particularly good at any particular boss.

Ret's niche is burst damage, and there are a couple of places where it can shine here - for example, it does very high burst on Lihuvim during the  Synthesize phase, and it's also a good spec to send over to add platforms on Artificer Xy'mox. However, there's a lot of other melee specs that do basically the same thing, like Fury, Frost DK, or Survival, while also have better sustained damage, passive cleave, or other raid utility. Ret's tier set also doesn't help a whole lot with its burst either - it does help its sustained damage quite a bit, and while the  Wake of Ashes resets are strong on AoE, their randomness means that you can't guarantee you'll actually get an AoE boost during add spawns every time. That said, there isn't anything Ret is really bad on this tier either - it does fine on either single target or AoE damage profiles, and will be competitive with most other specs except the top end outliers. Ret's second legendary doesn't change its relative position to other specs much either -  Final Verdict and  Tempest of the Lightbringer are both good, but nothing better than what the average spec gained.

Although it would have been nice to see Ret get a buff along with other specs earlier last week, especially since there wasn't a single guild that used a Ret on any fight in the Race to World First, it's still decent enough as it is that you can justify bringing a Ret to pretty much any encounter and have it perform adequately.

(파파고 번역 의역 오역이 있을 수 있습니다)
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op를 제외하면 경쟁이 됨

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상위권에서는 안 보였네요

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