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[잡담] 전문가 설명이있는.11홀 클전맵3개

아이콘 터모
댓글: 1 개
조회: 4436
2018-05-24 13:08:07

TH11 Anti 3-Star Base Layout

This base works well because building the funnel will be not easy and the usual Queen Charge can only be started at the very top or bottom side of the base due to the Single-Target Inferno Tower, especially the left one is impossible to reach with a Archer Queen.

With this limited possibilites plus the fact that pathing can be a b*tch sometimes this base will prevent 3-Star attacks very well.

이 맵은 퀸힐을 돌리려면 맨 위나 맨 아래에서부터 시작할수밖에 없다. 오른쪽은 단일인페이고 왼쪽은 단일인페는 아니지만 방타 집중으로 퀸힐 돌리기가 까다로운 구조이다.

이 제한된 가능성때문에 안티 3별맵이다.

This base here is a little unconventional, but this is fresh as it will put the attacker in the tough spot of doing attacks against a setup he hasn’ done yet.
This base makes the defense farms a key element with the X-Bow farm, Air Defense farm etc. – this creates deadly sections that a certain kind of troop can’t overpass and the mixture of the army has to be perfectly right to get a shot against this base that is worth it.

The defensive concept is fully activated with the Eagle Artillery in the core and a Clan Castle that simply can’t get pulled at all with the layers of defenses around it

이 기지는 보편적이지 않은 특이한 맵이다. 그래서 공격자가 공략하기위한 생각이 많게 만든다.

x보우 방타가 몰려있다 대공포도 몰려있다. 종류별로 몰려있다. 그래서 집중 화력때문에 특정 종류의 병력이 지나치기에 매우 까다롭다.

방어의 핵심은 독수리타워와 쉽게 끌어낼수없는 한가운데 위치한 클랜성에 있다.

Town Hall 11 War Base Layout Anti Miner, Anti Bowler, Anti Valkyries

This base here is also a base that I can recommend to you with the offset Town Hall deep enough inside the base to get the attacker to start his attack from this direction in fear he might not get ot when coming from the other side – but it’s protected enough that it can’t be taken out by a cheap army.

Also this base has nice Inferno Tower & X-Bow locations that will keep the pressure high on any Queen Charge and the core setup will prevent any easy Clan Castle pull.

안티 광부,볼러,발키리맵

타운홀이 약간 깊숙히 묻혀있어서 쉽게 뿌시기 힘들고. 인페르노와 x보우의 위치기 인상적인 맵.

외곽에 변태 뇌전이 있다.

(영어바보이기 떄문에 해석이 이상할수 있음. 유명한 사람이 선별한 맵이라 완성도는 높을거라고 생각)

Lv66 터모

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