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[PBE] [ 12.19 밸런스 패치 내용 ]

아이콘 트렌스젠더
댓글: 24 개
조회: 25167
2022-09-21 09:27:26
Blitzcrank(블리츠크랭크)Blitzcrank changes:
* Base attack speed increased from 0.625 to 0.65
* Attack speed ratio increased from 0.625 to 0.7
* W attack speed increased from  30% - 62% to 40% - 92%
* W mana cost increased from 75 to 85
W now deals 1% max HP magic damage on-hit while active, increased by 60 - 180 against non champs
* E mana cost increased from 25 to 40
* E now scales with 25% AP and increased by 150% AD + 125% AP against non-champions
* R passive AP ratio increased from 30% flat to 30% to 50%
* R no longer capped at 3 stacks

Twitch(트위치)Twitch buffs:
* P AP ratio per stack per second increased from 2.5% to 3%
* E AP ratio per stack increased from 33% to 35%

Tahm Kench(탐 켄치)Tahm Kench buffs:
* Q AP ratio increased from 70% to 90%
* W AP ratio increased from 100% to 125%

Shyvana(쉬바나)Shyvana buff:
* W bonus AD ratio per second increased from 20% to 30%, on-hit is still 25% of this value

Rakan(라칸)Rakan buffs:
* P AP ratio increased from 85% to 95%
* Q damage AP ratio increased from 60% to 70%

Nunu & Willump(누누와 윌럼프)Nunu buff:
* R damage max AP ratio increased from 250% to 300%

Malphite(말파이트)Malphite buff:
* W cone AP ratio increased from 20% to 30%
* R AP ratio increased from 80% to 90%

Kennen(케넨)Kennen buff:
* E now allows him exceed the attack speed cap while bonus attack speed is active

Kai’Sa(카이사)Kai'Sa buff:
* P detonation AP ratio increased from 5% missing HP per 100 AP to 6% per 100 AP

Garen(가렌)Garen buff:
* E crit damage increased from 58% to 75%

Fizz(피즈)Fizz buffs:
* E AP ratio increased from 75% to 90%
* E mana cost reduced from 90 - 110 to 85 - 95


Lv78 트렌스젠더

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