커뮤니티 게시판


모바일 상단 메뉴

본문 페이지

[질문] 팰월드 구글클라우드 서버 설치 질문드립니다

댓글: 1 개
조회: 602
2024-04-12 16:54:55
구글 클라우드 vm 따라서 설치 하고 있는데
처음부터 다 따라서 만들었는데  steamCMD 설치 하라는거 까진 진행이 되었는데 그 이후로 sdk64 설치 이후부터 문제가 생깁니다 ㅠㅠ

onnecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 0.84 (18874368 / 2237883871)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 31.63 (707773904 / 2237883871)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 79.05 (1769111557 / 2237883871)
Success! App '2394010' fully installed.
krotas0112@palworld:~$ steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit
tid(4341) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
Redirecting stderr to '/home/krotas0112/.steam/logs/stderr.txt'
Logging directory: '/home/krotas0112/.steam/logs'
minidumps folder is set to /tmp/dumps
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
UpdateUI: skip show logoSteam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1709846822
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 0.52 (11534336 / 2237883871)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 37.95 (849252413 / 2237883871)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 85.91 (1922527402 / 2237883871)
Success! App '2394010' fully installed.
krotas0112@palworld:~$ mkdir -p ~/.steam/sdk64/
krotas0112@palworld:~$ steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 1007 +quit
tid(4372) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
Redirecting stderr to '/home/krotas0112/.steam/logs/stderr.txt'
Logging directory: '/home/krotas0112/.steam/logs'
minidumps folder is set to /tmp/dumps
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
UpdateUI: skip show logoSteam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1709846822
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Success! App '1007' already up to date.
krotas0112@palworld:~$ cp ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Steamworks SDK Redist/linux64/steamclient.so ~/.steam/sdk64/
cp: cannot stat '/home/krotas0112/Steam/steamapps/common/Steamworks SDK Redist/linux64/steamclient.so': No such file or directory

나머지 부분은 다 따라 했는데 저 파란부분 을 입력 하면 밑에 빨간거 처럼 디렉토리가 없다고 뜹니다..
유튜브나 다른데선 저 빨간 명칭이 안뜨던데 뭐가 문제일까요..ㅠ

Lv7 아즈미르

모바일 게시판 하단버튼



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