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- 디아4 2.0.5 패치노트 한글 번역 [25]
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- 핫딜 Apple 2022 아이폰 SE 3세대 자급제, 스타라이트, 128GB
- 핫딜 Half-Life 2
Gear Overview
New T4 gear will be added in Relic & Ancient levels. Maximum quality will be set to 120. Sidereal to 9-10, and Infuse Elgic 2 will be added.
Existing gear can all be used. Advanced Honing / Elixir / Transcendence settings that have been set so far will all be preserved, so there is no need to worry about your current progression, or be concerned about Advanced Honing with Tier 3 materials. Not only the functions, but also the looks (glow effects) will be preserved. Existing honing effects will be preserved in a new book, meaning that you can freely select any old effects on weapons.