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[게임] 어느 게임의 버그 이용자 통수치기

아이콘 Eutkyu읏큐
댓글: 12 개
조회: 4675
추천: 1
2017-03-26 17:21:03

특정 재화를 계속 이용할수잇는 버그가 발견되었는데
사람들이 게임사에 문의넣으니

This was fixed pretty fast and the scale of the abuse is significantly less than this thread implies. People are certainly quick to blame the progress of other users on exploits.
It wasn't in the patch notes because it was fixed with an invisible server-side hotfix and didn't go through the regular patching process. I'll try to make sure such changes are documented better in the future.
Edit: a lot of people are asking for more information about bans. I'm not going to wake people up just to find out how many bans there have been (or will be, depending on what stage that's at). I'll check into it tomorrow. Rest assured, we ban dozens or hundreds of accounts per day but don't usually make a big deal about it. It shouldn't have to be the case that we need to scare people into not cheating...

그리 심각하게 남용된 버그는 아니었고, 빨리 수정되었다.
서버쪽에서 수정된 것이라서 패치노트에 넣지 않았고,
추후 그러한 사항들이 발생되고 수정된다면 패치노트에 기록하겠다

이거보고 버그쟁이들
"엌 ㅋㅋ 우왕굳 싑꿀빨고 제재도 안받고 굳


본계정23개 밴
부계 30개 밴

그게임은 6~7 월에 대규모 업데이트로
기존 액트 4 까지 있던것에서
액트 10까지 추가하겠다고 발표한  
Path of exile

Lv34 Eutkyu읏큐

모바일 게시판 하단버튼



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