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[기타] 아래올리신것에 이어 겨울모드 버그 해결 패치 방법 추가

아이콘 Ledios
댓글: 3 개
조회: 3104
추천: 3
2015-01-15 09:09:16

아래 올리신 겨울모드 해결 패치방법에 더 해서 올려봅니다.

폴더에 포함된 파일이 조금 다르고 방법도 2가지로 나누어져 있네요.









To solve the disappearance of gold and silver in the hangar World of Tanks! Updated!


After entering a new mode of fighting, winter battle, all users mods are faced with the following problem - in the hangar lost all the gold and silver. The main problem with this bug - it XVM. To solve the problem with the missing interface after entering the mode "Winter Battle", you need to download the file below and simply copy the folder res_mods in the game folder, this is where I've found World_of_Tanks.exe. After that, the problem should disappear. So we advise you to update your XVM to the latest version, files to update it as well can be found below.




In the archive you will find two folders:

파일 받으면 폴더가 2개 나오는데,

그 2개 폴더에 각각 해결하는 2가지 방법이



1. Updates XVM to version

1. XVM 수정 (아래 올리신것과 파일이 다소 다름)

- update your XVM to the latest version (3660) without losing your configs and fix a bug with missing interface (multiple files);



2. Only Application.swf

2. Application.swf 파일만 카피

- only fixes a bug with the missing interface without updating the XVM (only one file).

We recommend that you put the option XVM updates to version, as it not only fixes the problem, but also update your XVM corrected while still a bunch of other bugs old version XVM. But if you do not want to copy a lot of unnecessary files, then put "Only Application.swf", it will replace only one file.


After you install this decision will not be wasted your fashion!



How to install mod-fix:

어떻게 인스톨 하냐 하면?


1번 세팅방법

Setting the option to "XVM updates to version": Delete folder gui from WOT / res_mods / 0.9.5 / scripts / client /. (IMPORTANT STEP: If it is not done, will be bugs with the mini-map.) Copy the folder res_mods in the game folder (World_of_Tanks).



2번 세팅 방법

Setting the option "Only Application.swf": Copy the folder res_mods in the game folder (World_of_Tanks).







Lv90 Ledios

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