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[일반] 양조 신화 아키몬드 솔로잉

아이콘 사이하타
댓글: 7 개
조회: 5649
2017-07-25 03:17:23

And here comes the end of the Mythic HFC chapter - a short chapter carried by gear but whatever... As you may have noticed, I won't upload some trash bosses like the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Gorefiend, Iskar, and so on... Fact is, all those non-apparent bosses have been One-shooted (except Mannoroth because of a brain freeze), and would be meaningless to watch. But let's get back to MM Archimonde!

Basically, Mythic Archimonde is not a super difficult boss (thanks to the gear notably); although there is quite a bit of RNG involved in the Source of Chaos burst and the Void Stars management (leading to the safe spot). As a matter of fact, I'm just playing the last phase ultra safely. A good setup of the speed cooldowns and stacks (I'm playing with the legendary boots for extra speed) is also necessary to pass that last phase. Well... At least 13/13, so more serious matters coming soon!

亡我郷、反魂蝶、その華開花すること能わず - WAVE
Inchlings Of The Shining Needle - CROW'S CLAW

탈것득은 덤입니다. 양조여러분 다같이 탈것작업하러 갑시다


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