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[포럼] 갱플리워크: Riot GMang의 추가코멘트

댓글: 86 개
조회: 38767
2014-03-14 03:30:47

Whoa! Lots of great posts here. I can't do them all justice with responses, but I've read them all and I love the feedback. 

Some trends I'm seeing here:

Most posters like:

  • Plundering mad bank
  • Q burst satisfaction (many mention crits)
  • Eating orange, being k
  • Role versatility (doing traditionally non-fighter things)
  • Global cannonballs from the sky
  • High move speed
  • On-hits (e.g. Shiv)
  • Being a badass pirate (also apparently "You Are a Pirate")

Most don't like:
  • Raise Morale is definitely underwhelming (thematically and mechanically)
  • Frustrating unreliability on ultimate (RNG)
  • Trouble functioning after lane (having to build tanky to function?)
  • Passive can be unsatisfying/awkward to use
  • Not much decision-making during combat
  • Laning phase can be drawn-out farm fest
  • Role confusion (what am I actually viable at?)
  • Various tuning issues (costs, cast times, stats, etc.)

If you think I missed a big one, let me know! As for the points themselves, I think most of them are right on the mark. They really underscore some of the mechanical underpinnings of his identity while showing his room for improvement.

I'm on board for these "likes." :P I can totally dig the satisfaction on Q's mechanics and the iconic-ness of W. Beyond that, my interpretation of the "likes" is that a lot of Gangplank's identity comes from his feeling of "rule-breaking": a fighter with a ranged attack, shrugging off CCs, a spell with on-hits, doing things across the map, being too fast to catch, etc. In retrospect, I think this "cheater" feeling is a big reason I became a fan of GP in the first place.  Will definitely look to analyze this more going forward!

Also agree with most of the "don't likes" too. The two main takeaways I see are 1) Gangplank's kit is showing its age (ult RNG, tuning issues, E becoming stale over the years, etc.), and 2) Gangplank probably needs to be more "3-dimensional" in what he does (more interesting/varying decisions, uptimes/downtimes, strengths/weaknesses, etc.). Really excited to explore the "most Gangplanky ways" of addressing these concerns. 

Hope those sound like fair takeaways to you!

Originally Posted by Xaxziminrax View Post
However, GP just kinda buffs his team, then runs around in teamfights while Q is off CD. I'd love it if he had more defined strengths and weaknesses, because the well-rounded nature of his kit just leads him to be wonderfully average in all phases. 

And that's really cool, and super balancable, but as far as just playing around goes, it's not necessarily "fun."
I think this is a fruitful line of thought. Gangplank is a tricky balancing act because of how generalist his identity is. Being a fighter with options is awesome, and I think we could do more to enrich his decision-making so he feels less "flat."

Originally Posted by h 2 View Post
Raise Morale has been overworked and overnerfed into an incredibly boring and underpowered ability. I have zero morale for the current state of Raise Morale. Raise my Raise Morale Morale, morelloplz
Sounds from this thread like people want a more exciting E, and I totally agree! :P I would be unsurprised if Gangplank ended up with an entirely different spell in that slot (though some of the high-level functions of current E should probably appear on the kit); currently prototyping is trending that way.

Originally Posted by ImTheSideKick View Post
Honestly I love playing AP GP OP

reasons why

His ult does MASSIVE damage in team fights, shredding lines apart
His Q would do close to 700 damage (over 200 of it ad and the rest magical due to lichbane)
and his Oranges would heal for 1.3k
Are there any particular aspects of those things you'd identify as especially important to you? Is it seeing big sexy numbers (how does critplank compare?)? Is it having impactful teamfight AoE (if so, how does on-hit-plank appeal to you?)? Is it having more highs-and-lows in your pacing (moving emphasis away from P+Q+E and towards high-cooldown W and R)? Is it just the feeling of using unusual item builds?

Originally Posted by Critkeeper View Post
Shouldn't a pirate be able to find a treasure chest somewhere?
Heh, you're not alone in wanting treasure chests (coughFeralPonycough). :P No plans for something like that yet, but nothing's off the table.

Originally Posted by ForumAccount23 View Post
Question: Why rework? If he needs buffs give him buffs.
This isn't really coming from a balance angle. There's a deeper question I want to answer: is Gangplank living up to his potential? Could Gangplank be a more fun, unique, and healthy character? I think these things can be addressed in ways that actually excite current Gangplank players, not turn them off. Believe me, there are plenty of old-school GP fans at Riot—myself included!

Originally Posted by Monsieur Bane View Post
Gangplank is definitely one of the more boring champions to play against. When he was strong, there were 3 things that could happen: he will shoot you when his Q is off CD and sometimes it hurts more than others; he will run at you when he gets an advantage and slow you forever so you cant get away; or he will run away from you when you get an advantage and nullify any CC you lay down.
Definitely worth considering playing-against issues like these. I think a lot of this is due to his "flatness" in lane: high-uptime, low-variance abilities that can turn him into a "stat-check fighter" to lane against. This is definitely something we want to keep an eye on!

Thanks again for sharing, everybody! Looking forward to more discussions/updates in the future. 

거지발싸개로 하는 해석 대충 요약:

해외 갱플 유저들도 한국 갱플 유저들이랑 별로 다를 거 없음.

귤 좋아하고, 글로벌 궁극기 좋아하고, 온힛 q 좋아하고, 추가 골드 좋아하고, 빠른 이속 등을 좋아함.

이들이 꼽는 단점으로는 사기진작, 패시브가 잉여롭고 궁에 확신이 안 든다는 것, 전투 중에 결정적인 게 없다는 것, 역할이 애매함 외 기본 스펙과 마나코스트 등 '존나 많음'

Riot GMang은 사기진작이 존나 재미 없는 스킬이라는데 완전히 동의하고 있음. 사기진작 대신에 새 스킬을 넣는 식으로 프로토타입을 만들어볼 것임.

해적=보물상자라는 키워드는 고려해보지 않음. 확정된 거 없음.

죵니 많은 의견과 토론을 환영함.


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