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본문 페이지

[소식] 12/10 공지 - 배치 수정

아이콘 Yozoh
댓글: 1 개
조회: 1834
추천: 4
2019-12-10 17:15:19
We wanted to give you plenty of heads up notice regarding the bug fix coming in tomorrow's maintenance break. The fix will be to patch the issue where you can swap buildings to the outer ring of your base, placing them in locations meant for obstacles/decorations.

The reason behind this heads up is because of what happens when the fix goes live.

If you have any saved bases (active or not active, war or farming) that have defenses placed on the outer ring, it will scramble your lay out. Scramble means will randomly place buildings, walls, defenses in random locations that confirm to the correct rules.

If you have any saved bases (active or not, war or farming) that have the buggy layout mentioned above, it will DELETE ALL YOUR SAVED LAYOUTS. This includes active, saved, war, and farming layouts; all of them will be wiped clean.

So make sure none of your bases are using the defective/exploitative layout.

Thank you for attending my TED Talk.


버그를 이용하여 외곽에 건물을 설치한 배치가 1개라도 있으면, 다음 점검 때 저장된 모든 배치가 삭제될 것
배치를 날리고 싶지 않으면 점검 전에 정상적인 배치로 되돌려 놓을 것.


Lv91 Yozoh

CoC 오피셜 소식과 믿을만한 유출 내용을 골라 가져옵니다. 추천과 댓글 감사합니다. :)

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