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[디아3] (영문)시즌 31 금지된 기록 보관소의 시즌 미리보기-4월 12일 시작

아이콘 세이스카나
댓글: 5 개
조회: 5780
추천: 5
2024-03-28 02:01:43

-4월 12일 금요일에 31시즌이 시작됩니다.

-20시즌 시스템이 다시 나옵니다.

31시즌은 금지된 기록 보관소의 시즌입니다. 많은 모험가들이 고대 네팔렘의 유물인 카나이의 함에 깃든 힘을 얻고자 찾아왔습니다. 하지만 존경과 비난의 대상인 호라드림, 졸툰 쿨레만큼 이 힘을 잘 알고 있는 자는 없죠. 쿨레는 이 함에 깃든 힘을 누구보다도 자유자재로 다루어 강력한 아이템에 깃든 에너지를 흡수하고 보관했습니다. 쿨레의 실험에 제동이 걸리지 않았다면 여러분도 이미 그 힘을 사용하고 있을 수도 있겠지요. 31시즌에 우리는 그 힘을 더욱 깊이 탐구하려 합니다.

이번 시즌에선 추가 전설 능력 3가지를 장착할 수 있는 카나이의 함 칸이 분류의 제약을 받지 않습니다. 평소에는 무기, 방어구, 장신구 분류에서 각각 하나의 능력을 장착할 수 있지만, 31시즌에는 분류와 무관하게 능력을 자유롭게 조합할 수 있다는 뜻이죠! 예를 들면 무기 능력 2가지와 방어구 능력 1가지를 함께 사용할 수 있습니다. 또는 목걸이 능력 3가지를 함께 사용하는 것도 가능하죠. 선택은 여러분의 몫입니다. 저희도 여러분처럼 실험을 통해 새로운 조합을 발굴하고 싶네요!

-7시즌 보상을 다시 얻을 수 있으며 31시즌 보상으로 천사의 보물고블린 펫을 얻을 수 있습니다.

-히드리그의 선물은 다음과 같습니다.

야만용사 – 황야의 진노
성전사 – 롤랜드의 유산
악마사냥꾼 - 부정한 정수
수도사 - 일천폭풍 의복
강령술사 – 라트마의 뼈
의술사 – 지옥니 마구
마법사 - 탈 라샤의 덕목

Sanctuary needs you to answer its call for aid in Season 31: Season of the Forbidden Archives. Starting on April 12 at 5 p.m. PDT/CET/KST, Nephalem can harness the power of Forbidden Archives theme, which first debuted with Season 20. For an in-depth look into what’s coming, read below.


Season Theme

Season Cosmetic Rewards

Season Journey Rewards

Seasonal Conquest

Haedrig’s Gift

Patch 2.7.7 Notes


Season 31 is the Season of the Forbidden Archives. Many adventurers have come to learn the power that dwells within the ancient nephalem artifact, Kanai’s Cube. However, none understands this power better than the equally celebrated and reviled Horadrim, Zoltun Kulle. Kulle was able to unlock and harness the power of the Cube like none before, leveraging its power to siphon and archive the energies of powerful items. With Season 31, we explore the power Kulle might lend to your fingertips if his experiments went unchecked.

For the duration of Season 31, the slots in Kanai’s Cube that allow you to equip three additional Legendary powers will not be restricted to their usual categories. While normally a player can equip one power each from the Weapon, Armor, and Jewelry categories, Season 31 players can mix and match between all three! This might allow you to run two Weapon powers with one Armor power. Or perhaps you might choose to run three Amulet powers instead. The choice is yours, and we’re as eager as you are to experiment with the new build opportunities this creates!

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Beginning with Season 17, we began re-introducing previous Seasonal rewards to make them available to players who may have missed them the first time around. For Season 31, this means awards originally available from Season 7 are returning to the Season Journey.

However, we know it’s nice to have something new to aim for if you’ve participated in previous Seasons. We’re bringing back End of Journey rewards as introduced in Season 17, with not one, but two new cosmetic rewards for those who complete the entirety of the Season journey. Feast your eyes upon the Valor Portrait Frame and Angelic Treasure Goblin pet!

In addition to the Helm and Shoulders slots of the exclusive Conqueror Set, you’ll be able to earn a series of portrait frames that embody the snowy, foreboding aura of the Eternal Woods. If you need a warm little pal to keep you cozy through your cold journeys, the Dream of Piers fiery nature should do the trick—when he’s not instilling night terrors in the local fauna.

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If you’ve been diligently slaying demons for the past few Seasons and reached Conqueror in the Season Journey each time, you’ve surely accrued a few extra stash tabs. You’ll earn one additional tab each Season by finishing the Conqueror tier, up to a maximum of five:

  • Guardian of Sanctuary: Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment XIII within five minutes.
  • Gem of My Life: Level three Legendary Gems to level 55.
  • All I Do IS Win: Complete two Conquests this Season.
  • Kill You: Kill Ghom at level 70 in under 30 seconds on Torment XIII difficulty.
  • Money Ain’t A Thang: Slay Greed on Torment XIII difficulty.
  • Take U There: Reach Greater Rift level 60 Solo.
  • Power Amplification: Use Kanai’s Cube to augment an Ancient Legendary item with a level 50+ gem.
  • Cubic Reconfiguration: Use Kanai’s Cube to reforge a Legendary item.

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Want to prepare your Conquest plan for Season 31? Here are the challenges you’ll face! Returning for Season 31 is Sprinter/Speed Racer, where you’re challenged to complete the entire Diablo III campaign from Act I to Act V at level 70 in under 1 hour! Next is Avarice/Avaritia, where all that glitters is gold—that is, if you can complete a 50 million gold streak outside of The Vault or its Inner Sanctum. On a Good Day/I Can’t Stop encourages you to upgrade your Legendary Gems; level three Legendary Gems to 65 to complete this challenge! Push your way to Greater Rift level 75 to complete Divinity/Lionhearted. Lastly, a fan-favorite for those who enjoy unconventional builds, The Thrill/Superhuman requires completion of a Greater Rift level 45—solo and without any Set items equipped.

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Finally, the Class Sets rewarded for completing certain chapters in the Season Journey courtesy of Haedrig’s Gift have rotated once more. We’ve listed the available Sets below. For those new to Seasons, here’s how it works:

Completing Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the Season Journey will reward you with three of Haedrig’s Gifts. Each Gift contains a few pieces from one of your Class Sets. Players can only unlock one Class Set in this manner per Season across Hardcore and Non-Hardcore, so choose wisely!

The set you receive depends on the class of the character you’re playing when you open each Haedrig’s Gift. To collect a full Class Set, you’ll need to open all three on the same character.

Here are the sets granted by Haedrig’s Gift in Season 31:

  • Barbarian – Wrath of the Wastes
  • Crusader – Roland’s Legacy
  • Demon Hunter – Unhallowed Essence
  • Monk – Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • Necromancer – Bones of Rathma
  • Witch Doctor – Helltooth Harness
  • Wizard – Tal Rasha’s Elements

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  • KR Age Restriction
    • Updated Logos for KR Age Restriction from 18 years of age to 19 years of age.
  • Extra progress orb drops from the Soulshard Stain of Sin now works for Challenge Rifts.
  • Extra progress orb drops from the Soulshard Stain of Sin and Altar of Rites node Reaper now only drops from monsters inside Nephalem Rifts, Greater Nephalem Rifts, and Challenge Rifts.

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