

모바일 상단 메뉴

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[일반] PBE 다이애나 변경안, 정글서폿템사면 도란템못삼

댓글: 19 개
조회: 2200
추천: 1
2024-03-12 08:02:21
Diana(다이애나) 다이애나 (Diana)
  • 기본 공격속도 AS base:  0.625 (unchanged 안바뀜)

  • 공격속도 계수 AS ratio:  0.625 --> 0.694

  • 성장 공격속도 AS growth:  2.25% --> 2.0%

  • 패시브의 공속 고유값 P innate AS value:  15%-40% breakpoints --> 15%-40% linear

    • image comparison yes technically the level 18 value was barely not actually 40% due to rounding error, but now it will be (대충 공속이 예전엔 레벨별로 올라가는게아니라 특정레벨구간마다 끊어가면서 오르던걸 레벨별로 선형적으로 증가하도록 기술적 변경을 했다는 내용)

    • on-cast empowered AS is still x3 these values (강화3타는 공속높다는 내용)

  • P on-cast buff duration:  3s --> 5s (패시브 버프 지속시간)


아이템 Items

Jungle items and support items are now mutually exclusive with Doran's items

정글템, 서폿템 구매시 도란아이템들 구매 불가.

  • Tear, Dark Seal, and Cull are unaffected

  • this currently only applies to the t1/t2 support items, so once you upgrade to t3 you can buy a Doran's item again, although at that point the value is probably minimal

  • they also forgot to manually copy the item group limit when you finish your jungle item, so after that you can buy a Doran's item again as well, although again the value at that point is probably still minimal

오늘은 대충함,

근데 탑렉사이 해보는데 트런들,요릭,탑베인,티모 이런거 닷지가 답인가? 힘드네요.


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