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[정보] This War of Mine 자선 DLC 발매

아이콘 루시펠리안
조회: 2603
2015-03-09 21:16:24

유명 아티스트 들에게 인게임 컨텐츠를 받아 DLC를 만들어 그것을 판매하고
판매금의 100%를 War Child (전쟁고아 후원단체)에 기증한다는 내용입니다.

위를 보시면 같은 DLC에 3가지 구입종류가 있는데 모두 포함된 내용은 같습니다.
다만 기부액을 얼마로 할지에 대한 차이일 뿐입니다.

뭔가 신선하네요

DLC 설명 원문

We are happy to announce, that This War of Mine - War Child Charity DLC is now available. 

100% of 11 bit's proceeds go to the War Child charity! 

This War of Mine - War Child Charity DLC contains unique street art pieces made by artists from all over the world including: M-City, Gabriel "Specter" Reese, SeaCreative, Emir Cerimovic, Fauxreel and Mateusz Waluś. You’ll be able to find all of them in different places within This War of Mine, building a unique in-game gallery. The compositions represent reflections on the human condition and the state of humanity during a time of war. 

100% of the proceeds from the DLC go to the charity War Child, who focus on helping children who suffer from conflicts and wars around the world. The DLC was made thanks to the aforementioned artists, graphic artists from 11 bit studios and War Child UK. 

There are three tiers (including the same DLC content) for those who are willing to donate more to the cause. Thank you and please don't give up on trying to make this world a better place. 


Lv83 루시펠리안

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