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[인터페이스] [0.9.0] AFR - Annoying Features Remover

아이콘 시나마후유
댓글: 2 개
조회: 2328
2014-04-18 12:25:32


Transparent Clan Logos:

This mod will make clan logos transparent for all tanks.

No more tiny icons messing up with your skins.


Transparent Nation Decals, Stickers & Inscriptions:

This mod will make all of the nation decals, stickers and inscriptions transparent.


Transparent Camouflage:

Plenty of these around, but have my own version, because why not.

Comes in both camo pattern variant, in case you want to make a particular camo pattern transparent, and in tank by tank format, in case you want to pick and choose what tanks have and don't have camo.


Silenced Spotting Sound:

This mod removes the "sonar" noise you get each time an enemy is spotted. (testing WOB content in WOT ftw)



[0.9.0] Silenced Spotting Sound (v1.2.4)

[0.9.0] Transparent Camouflage (by camo pattern) (v1.1.6)

[0.9.0] Transparent Camouflage (by tank) (v1.2.5)

[0.9.0] Transparent Clan Logos (v1.7.1)

[0.9.0] Transparent Nation Decals, Stickers & Inscriptions (v1.3.7)

[Download Link]



Make sure the client version folder (the one inside the res_mods) matches the current one (check inside the res_mods folder in your WOT main dir).

If there's no changes to the mods between client versions, odds are I did not rename that folder.


Then simply extract the res_mods folder contained within the archive into your WOT main directory.


You can also use JSGME, it's already packed accordingly.


Bug Reporting:

Sometimes I miss a few tanks, and that may cause your client to hang while loading the battle. I do apologise for this but we are all human, mistakes will happen eventually.

If you wish to help, enabling replays is a good way for me to figure out what tank is causing the issue.


If you client hangs while loading a battle, quit (or close it via the task manager). Once outside disable the mod, and reconnect.

Your client will load the battle as normal, and if you have replays enabled it will start recording the battle.

Once you're done, upload the replay to a file sharing website and send me the link.


How to tailor the Transparent Nation Decals, Stickers & Inscriptions mod to suit your needs:

Go to "{mod name here}/res_mods/0.9.0/gui/maps/vehicles/decals"

Here you will find eight dds files and two folders, named player_stickers and inscriptions.

 The eight .dds files make the nation decals transparent.

 The stuff inside the inscriptions folder makes the ... yeah you guessed it, makes the inscriptions transparent.

 Take a wild guess as to what the player_stickers folder does.

If you want the original nation decals, just delete the eight .dds files. Same process applies to the player_stickers and inscriptions folders.

Mix and match depending on what you want.



Thanks to llVIU, muphus, for lending a hand with updating the transparent clan logos.

출처 - http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/113319-090-afr-annoying-features-remover/

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Lv54 시나마후유

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