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[차고] [0.9.5] 2,3줄 차고

아이콘 Ledios
댓글: 1 개
조회: 5157
2014-12-26 10:01:10

[0.9.5] 2,3줄 차고 입니다.


(2줄, 3줄 각각 파일폴더 포함)


출처: http://mirtankov.net/mods/9994-tanki-v-angare-v-2-riada.html




Tanks in the hangar in 2 rows




Mod for World of Tanks 0.9.5 - tanks in the hangar in 2 rows. Updated: increased size of the icons, bug fixes.

- In the lower left corner of the icons are added to the filter. After the release of the game is fixed position carousel wherever you scroll through the last time.
- 02.03.14 - in the game itself is added to the settings tab fashion! 2 versions of the English and Russian languages.
- Added useful information about the average damage for this type of technology, winning percentage and the level of each tank battles in which he will fall.


Comfortable fashion carousel tanks in two rows is made for those players who have already investigated many tanks from one branch development. Allows you to see more tanks at once, no need to scroll once again or select them from the list on the model and the nation.


Ditto for World of Tanks 0.9.5 has given config fashion - tanks in the hangar in 3 rows . You can put yourself and 4 rows, if you have a lot of tanks. How to do this, read the installation instructions in the archive!


* 4열로 하고 싶으면 아래를 따라하시면 됩니다.

Way of setting up a carousel res_mods/0.9.X/gui/flash/TankCarousel.cfg the screenshot used the following settings:

rowCount 4: The number of rows displayed with tanks.
scaleFactor 0.75: zoom, the original value of 1.
scaleTextFactor 1.0: scale level of the tank and dual experience.


Important: Now, right in the game settings tab appeared Mods in which you can select the number of rows of icons scale technology, text size and parameters of the information displayed on icons tanks in the hangar.

Lv90 Ledios

모바일 게시판 하단버튼



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