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[일반] 브라이언 홀린카가 와우를 떠납니다.

댓글: 73 개
조회: 17274
추천: 27
2017-06-16 05:51:16

시니어 PvP 디자이너인 브라이언 홀린카(Brian Holinka)가 블리자드에서 새로운 기회를 제의받아 와우를 떠난다고 포럼에 글을 남겼습니다.

홀린카는 "와우는 사상최고로 내가 가장 좋아하는 게임이며, 지난 5년간 와우를 작업하면서 그 꿈을 이루어냈고, 와우를 플레이하는 모든 사람들로부터 많은 것을 배웠다."라고 떠나기 전 소감을 남겼습니다.

그리고 "몇 주 전, 저는 블리자드로부터 (정말 흥분되는) 새로운 기회를 제의받았으며, 내일이 제가 월드 오브 워크래프트를 작업하는 마지막 날"이라고 언급했습니다.

아래는 홀린카가 포럼에 올린 전문입니다.

Five years ago, I received a phone call from Blizzard offering me the chance of a lifetime—a position on the World of Warcraft team.

Simply put, this is my favorite game of all time, and working on it these past five years has been a dream come true. I have learned so much from the women and men who make it and everyone who plays it. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work on a game that so many people around the world are so passionate about.

A few weeks ago, I was offered a new opportunity at Blizzard that I’m really excited about. Tomorrow is my last day working on World of Warcraft.

As a longtime player, I couldn't be more excited about what the future has in store for World of Warcraft. In particular, the PvP team remains hard at work on some incredible plans. I fully expect that the best years of World of Warcraft PvP are ahead of us.

Thank you to everyone involved with World of Warcraft, from the development team to the players, for letting me be a part of this game's community. I consider it a great privilege.

Brian Holinka

Lv85 롭스군

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