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[일반] 일일 퀘스트 리셋은 한 번만 쓰세요

아이콘 흐앗타핫
댓글: 7 개
조회: 13606
2020-01-17 22:11:04

Awesome, thank you, Swiftarma. For now, I’d probably avoid doing them repeatedly.

Once after reset was one thing, but if you are able to do them continually, that is something else.

By the way, thank you everyone!


I’d refrain from a third time, Blinkspam. One reset is not ideal but it can happen when a realm goes offline suddenly, but if they continue to reset after that first one, that feels pretty broken. It starts to venture into exploitative, which I think should be avoided as best as you can.

한 번 더 하는 건 일어날 수 있는 일 하지만 또 하는 건 문제가 있으니 되도록 하지 말라고 블루 포스트로 언급함


Lv84 흐앗타핫

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