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[블루포스트] 침공일퀘 전쟁모드 보너스 없어진건 의도된것

조회: 5753
2020-01-20 08:10:09
뭔가 그거랑 엮여서 생긴 다른 문제때문에 비활성화시킴. 해굘후 재활성화 시킬 예정

We’d like to confirm that, yes, the expected War Mode bonus for Visions of N’Zoth Daily Quests has been disabled since Thursday.

This was necessary for our team to work to quickly fix a different issue. Our top priority right now is addressing these concerns, and we expect to restore all intended functionality in the coming days.

War Mode and the bonuses granted by War Mode in all other content are unaffected.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

Lv71 ravine

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