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[블루포스트] 어둠땅의 광역공격기술 변경이유

아이콘 불군메인탱커
댓글: 30 개
조회: 11228
추천: 4
2020-04-10 09:06:40

원문적고 간단하게 의역한내용만 한 단락마다 적어두겠습니다. 상세내용이 궁금하신분은 원문을 보시기 바랍니다.

We’ve definitely heard a lot of feedback from players that bursting down larger and larger pulls has become an overly dominant tactic in much of the game. This is particularly evident in questing and dungeons, which has made it difficult for many classes to find a clear role.

게임내에서 많은 무리를 단시간내에 녹여버리는게 지배적인 택틱이 되고 있는 부분에 대해 많은 피드백을 듣고있음. 특히 퀘스트나 던전에서 심한데 덕분에 많은 클래스들이 명확한 역할을 찾는게 힘들어짐.

While there are a number of variables contributing to this trend, high burst area of effect (AOE) damage against an unlimited number of targets has made it increasingly possible for players to take down large groups of enemies without the players ever facing a proportionate level of danger. In Shadowlands, we’re looking at changes that would broaden the field of tactical options, and in the process, more clearly differentiate the strengths of classes in a variety of AOE situations.

이런 트렌드에 가장 기여를하는게 무제한타겟에 대한 강력한 광역공격임. 이때문에 수가 많아질수록 공격그룹에 그만큼의 (생존)위협이 가해지지못함.. 어둠땅에서는 이런 트렌드를 바꾸려고함..

For example, we’d like to see Outlaw Rogues or Fury Warriors excel in situations with 4 to 5 targets in close proximity to each other, while ranged casters like Frost Mages or Affliction Warlocks perform better in sustained damage against groups of 5 or more targets. To accomplish this, we need to revisit the maximum number of targets that many abilities can hit (also known as the ability’s “target cap”), and adjust them accordingly. In situations where a target cap doesn’t make sense, we’re adding a new kind of damage falloff that causes the damage done to each target to be reduced gradually as the number of targets increases.

예로, 무법도적이나 분노전사는 4,5마리에 강하고 냉법이나 고흑은 5마리 이상에 지속데미지를 줄수있게하는 식으로.. 이를 위해 기술에 타겟캡을 적용함. 타겟캡 적용이 힘든 상황에서는 새로운 데미지 감소방식도 적용할거임.. 타겟수가 늘어나면 데미지는 줄도록..

Most players who are used to fighting 3 to 5 enemies at a time will notice very little difference with this approach. On the other hand, players who are accustomed to pulling 10-20 enemies at a time will experience longer, more threatening engagements. Sustained AOE damage may become an equally viable option in that situation, but both approaches will put significantly more pressure on the group to survive.

한번에 3~5마리 상대하는 대부분 (클래스) 유저들은 별 차이 못느낄거임..반면에 10~20마리 풀링하는 유저들은 그만큼 생존이 힘들거임.. 지속 광역 데미지 클래스도 똑같이 폭발적인 즉시광역기 만큼 유용하게 하고싶음..

ps. 레이드든 쐐기든 화법만 찾으니 고흑같은 애들도 데려가게 시스템적으로 강제하려고 하고 빅풀에는 비례해서 그만큼의 전멸위협을 가하겠다는것 같습니다.

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