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[블루포스트] 보스킬 없이 금고에서 티어템 획득이 가능한 것은 의도된 것

아이콘 불군메인탱커
댓글: 29 개
조회: 17114
추천: 13
2022-03-10 08:18:17

아래는 원문과 간단한 의역입니다.
Did we need to defeat a raid boss with tier on the loot table to be eligible for tier, or can it occur without defeating one? I did not get a tier boss down.
(문의) 금고 룻 테이블에 티어를 올리려면 해당 티어템을 드랍하는 보스를
킬해야 하는가? 아니면 필요없나?

Popping in to clear up a bit of confusion we’ve noticed from folks who are surprised the raid items in their Great Vault are coming up as Class Set pieces without having defeated the boss that drops that specific item. This is working as intended - because Class Set pieces are available from M+ and PVP, we wanted to ensure parity across different ways to play within the Great Vault and thus loosened the restrictions on boss-specific drops specifically for Class Sets. Enjoy the loot, and may your vaults be lucky!

혼란을 방지하기위해 확실히 공지하겠음.
티어드랍 넴드킬이 없었는데도 티어를 획득할수 있는건 의도된 것임
왜냐하면 신화쐐기돌이나 PVP로도 획득할수 있기 때문
따라서 보스를 한번이라도 킬해야 금고 룻 테이블에 들어갈수 있었던 제한을
클래스 티어셋에 한하여 완화한것임.

초 인벤인

Lv90 불군메인탱커


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