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[정보] 아무도 안퍼오길래 쓰는 와우헤드 용군단악사

댓글: 10 개
조회: 2308
추천: 1
2022-08-18 13:43:54

출처: https://www.wowhead.com/news/demon-hunter-speculated-talent-tree-spells-in-dragonflight-alpha-328398


Covenant Ability

  •  The Hunt Charge to your target, striking them for (455% of Attack power) Fire damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting (227.7% of Attack power) Fire damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path.

    The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% (Havoc) / 50% (Vengeance) of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec.


  • NEW  Chaotic Transformation  When you activate Metamorphosis, the cooldowns of Blade Dance and Eye Beam are immediately reset.
    • Effect #1 Apply Aura: Dummy
      Value: 50
  • NEW  Isolated Prey  Chaos Nova, Eye Beam, and Fel Rush gain bonuses when striking 1 target.
    • Chaos Nova: Stun duration increased by 1 sec.
    • Eye Beam: Deals 30% increased damage.
    • Fel Rush: Generates 35-45 Fury.
  •  Eye Beam  Blasts all enemies in front of you,
    Havoc (Level 23)
    dealing guaranteed critical strikes
    for up to {?a320415[{[(12.375% of Attack power) * 10 * 2]}][{[(12.375% of Attack power) * 10]}] Chaos damage over 2 sec. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets.beyond 5 targets.
    Havoc (Level 58)
    When Eye Beam finishes fully channeling, your Haste is increased by an additional 15% for 12 sec10% for 9 sec
    Here are the class and spell changes for Dragonflight Alpha Build 45141 which includes Monk Talents and the first Demon Hunter changes.
  •  Eye Beam  When Eye Beam finishes fully channeling, your Haste is increased by an additional 15% for 12 sec.10% for 9 sec.
    Name changed from Eye Beam to Furious Gaze
  •  Metamorphosis  The Demon Hunter gains an additional 25%20% Haste during Metamorphosis.
  •  Cycle of Hatred  When Chaos Strike refunds Fury, itChaos Strike also reduces the cooldown of Eye Beam by 3 sec.1 sec, and an additional 1 sec when it critically strikes.
    • Effect #1 Apply Aura: Dummy Modifies Damage/Healing Done
      Value: 31
  •  Demon Blades  Your auto attacks have a 60% chance to deal additional Shadow damage and generate 7-12 Fury.
    • Effect #1 Apply Aura: Proc Trigger Spell Modifies Damage/Healing Done
      Value: 60100
  •  Momentum  Fel Rush, increasesFelblade, The Hunt, and Vengeful Retreat increase your damage done by 15% for 6 sec.
    Vengeful Retreat's cooldown is reduced by 5 sec, and it generates 80 Fury over 10 sec if it damages at least one enemy.
  •  Demonic Origins  The cooldown of Metamorphosis is reduced by 2 min, but its duration is reduced by 1012 sec.
  •  Mortal Dance  Blade Dance now reduces targets' healing received by 25%50% for 5 sec.



악딜 특성

특성트리에 탈태에 있던 효과가 들어있는걸 보니 특성을 찍어야 
탈태시 즉시 안광과 칼춤의 능력의 재사용 대기시간 초기화되는거같네여

투기장 전용 특성이 용군단 특성으로 추가
1명의 대상을 공격할때 혼회, 안광, 지돌에 추가 효과가 부여
혼돈의 회오리 스턴 1초 추가
안광: 6초동안 대상이 받는 데미지 10% 증가 > 안광 데미지 30% 추가
지돌시 35-45 격노(기력) 생성

타겟제한 2타겟부터 데미지 감소하는걸 5타겟으로 늘림
안광을 끝까지 마치면 주는 가속 15% (12초) >> 10%/9초

이름도 안광에서 Furious Gaze(분노?의 응시??시선? 눈빛?)으로 바뀐다네요

탈태시 가속 20% 증가 (기존 25%)

증오의 순환 
혼격이 격노를 반환하면 안광 재사용 대기시간 3초감소 
혼격 때릴 때 마다 1초 감소+치명타로 적중 시 추가 1초 감소

평타가 60% 확률로 추가 암흑 피해 입히고 격노 생성 
평타가 추가 암흑 피해입히고 7-12 격노 생성

지돌 or 복퇴 or 사냥 사용시 15% 뎀증 (6초간)
(복퇴시 80 격노 생성 삭제)

---------------PVP 특성-----------------(제가 건 링크에는 구분이 없었어서 혼선이 있었음 죄송)

탈태쿨 2분으로 줄지만 지속시간이 12초만큼 감소

칼춤이 5초동안 대상이 받는 치유 효과를 25% > 50% 만큼 감소 

한줄요약:  아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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