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모바일 상단 메뉴

본문 페이지

[소식] [개발자블로그] 프전 플랑드르(8), 독항 막스이멜만(10), 미순 오스틴(10)

아이콘 Seekrieg
댓글: 11 개
조회: 7811
2020-11-27 12:13:40
개발자 블로그에 새로운 배 소식이 올라왔습니다.

기준: ST 0.10.0 (패치 0.10.0에서 수퍼테스트 배포)

French battleship Flandre, Tier VIII
알사스 변종으로 380미리 3연장 3포탑에 AA구성이 다르다고 합니다.  생존력이 좋고 알사스보다 주포정확도가 좋을거라고 합니다.

German aircraft carrier Max Immelmann, Tier X
H급 전함 Hull에 강한 대공을 자랑하는 항모로 만프레드의 복사본이지만, 뇌격기 대신 물수제비 폭격기를 사용하게 됩니다. 

American cruiser Austin, Tier X
경순계획(CL-154)에 기초한 가상함으로 127미리 2연장주포 6개 포탑을 장착하였고, 2개의 5연장 어뢰를 장착하고 있습니다.  HE(고폭)과 SAP(반철갑, 그런데 아래 스펙을 보면 CS Shell이라고 표현되어 있네요)을 사용한다고 합니다.  재장전부스터가 사용가능한데 프랑스의 50% 부스팅이 아닌 75% 부스팅을 해주고 대신 소모폼이 1회(추가적재 시 2회) 뿐이라고 합니다.  Defensive AA와 소나를 각기 다른 슬랏에 장착 가능합니다.

French battleship Flandre, Tier VIII

Hit points – 75,400. Plating - 32 mm.

Main battery - 3x3 380 mm. Firing range - 20.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 5,400. Chance to cause fire – 36%. HE initial velocity - 830 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage - 11,900. AP initial velocity - 830 m/s.
Reload time - 33.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 36.0 s. Maximum dispersion - 262 m. Sigma – 1.80.

Secondary Armament:
14x2 100.0 mm, 3x3 152.0 mm. Range  - 7.0 km.

AA defense: 6x2 40.0 mm, 6x2 20.0 mm, 14x2 100.0 mm, 3x3 152.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second - 74, hit probability - 70 %, action zone 0.1-2.0 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second - 116, hit probability - 75 %, action zone 0.1-3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second - 277, hit probability - 75 %, action zone 0.1-5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo - 10, damage within an explosion - 1,400; action zone 3.5-5.8 km.

Maximum speed - 33.5 kt. Turning circle radius - 910 m. Rudder shift time – 16.6 s. Surface detectability – 16.2 km. Air detectability – 12.1 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 14.9 km.

Available consumables:
Slot 1 - Damage Control Party
Slot 2 - Repair Party

German carrier Max Immelmann, tier X

Hit points – 65,300. Plating - 19 mm.
Secondary Armament:
12x2 105.0 mm, range  - 7.2 km.

AA defense: 11x4 30.0 mm, 12x2 105.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second - 319, hit probability - 95 %, action zone 0.1-3.0 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second - 235, hit probability - 100 %, action zone 0.1-5.2 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo - 9, damage within an explosion - 1,540; action zone 3.5-5.2 km.

Maximum speed - 32.0 kt. Turning circle radius - 1,200 m. Rudder shift time – 16.4 s. Surface detectability – 14.0 km. Air detectability – 14.2 km.

Available consumables:
Slot 1 - Damage Control Party
Slot 2 - Fighter


Attack aircraft
Hit points - 1,440, cruising speed - 172.0 knots, size of attacking flight - 3, aircraft per squadron - 9, aircraft restoration time - 82 s, detectability range - 10.0 km, number of aircraft on deck - 14. Rockets in payload - 4, rocket type - AP, maximum rocket damage - 3,100.

Dive bombers
Hit points - 1,530, cruising speed - 174.0 knots, size of attacking flight - 3, aircraft per squadron - 12, aircraft restoration time - 76 s, detectability range - 10.0 km, number of aircraft on deck - 18. Bombs in payload - 1, bomb type - AP, maximum bomb damage - 8,800.

Skip bombers
Hit points - 1,710, cruising speed - 174.0 knots, size of attacking flight - 4, aircraft per squadron - 12, aircraft restoration time - 90 s, detectability range - 10.0 km, number of aircraft on deck - 18. Bombs in payload - 1, bomb type - HE, maximum bomb damage - 12,200.0, armor penetration - 68 mm, chance to cause fire – 69 %

American cruiser Austin, tier X
Hit points – 30,700. Plating - 16 mm.
Main battery - 6x2 127 mm. Firing range - 15.0 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1,800. Chance to cause fire – 9%. HE initial velocity - 808 m/s.
Maximum CS shell damage - 2,700. CS initial velocity - 808 m/s.
Reload time - 8.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 4.5 s. Maximum dispersion - 137 м. Sigma – 2.05.
Torpedo tubes - 2x5 533 mm. Maximum damage - 19033. Range - 10.5 km. Speed - 66 kt. Reload time - 106 s.  Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability - 1.4 km.
AA defense:
6x2 76.2 mm.
6x2 127.0 mm.
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second - 347, hit probability - 90 %, action zone 0.1-4.0 km;
AA defense long-range: number of explosions in a salvo - 10, damage within an explosion - 1,820, continuous damage per second - 238, hit probability - 90 %, action zone 0.1-6.0 km;
Maximum speed - 35.0 kt. Turning circle radius - 670 m. Rudder shift time – 7.7 s. Surface detectability – 11.9 km. Air detectability – 7.4 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 5.2 km.
Available consumables:
Slot 1 - Damage Control Party
Slot 2 - Defensive AA fire 
Slot 3 - Main Battery Reload Booster (Duration time 15 s; Main battery reload time -75%; Reload time 125 s; Charges - 1)
Slot 4 - Repair Party
Slot 5 - Hydroacoustic Search

Lv70 Seekrieg

KM Collector

모바일 게시판 하단버튼



모바일 게시판 하단버튼

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모바일 게시판 하단버튼


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