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[QnA] 4월 26일 개발자질답 부분번역

댓글: 6 개
조회: 1319
2016-04-26 21:35:02
원문 : https://fleetreview-wows.com/2016/04/26/russian-qa-250416/#more-3382

중요한 부분만 번역했습니다. 원문은 링크참고하시면 됩니다

1. When do you plan to fix the bug regarding shells not flying accurately when shooting over islands? You’ve said before it was difficult to reproduce and therefore to fix. Any news regarding it?
섬 너머로 사격할 때 조준이 제대로 안되는거 언제 수정할건가?

A. A fix regarding this issue will be released in 0.5.6. (it haven’t passed all the tests yet but we have high hopes it will solve the issue).
0.5.6업뎃 ㅇㅇ

1. Mogami’s 155mm turrets had their rotation nerfed since she was considered too good with Expert Marksman. Since the skill was also nerfed, do you plan to revert her turret rotation to its old values?

BB’s rudder shift time was nerfed a few patches ago. This was before the infamous “torpedo soup”. Wouldn’t you consider reverting those values back? It would help BB’s dodge a bit more torpedoes.
저번 패치이후로 모친출타하신 전함 전타시간 복귀좀. 어뢰피하기 존내힘듬

A. No plans in this regard.
모징징 조까

Rudder shift time isn’t only connected to the ability to dodge torpedoes. On the other hand, we have several changed planned in 0.5.5 and 0.5.6 to counter the “torpedo soup”.
전타시간은 어뢰피하는데만 관여하는 수치가 아님ㅇㅇ... 

대신 어뢰사골국에 대항하는 몇몇 패치를 할거다. 0.5.5패치와 , 그 다음 0.5.6까지.

5. Why 203mm German cruisers are equipped with Spgr L/4,7 Bdz semi-AP ammo instead of HE ammo?
왜 도길 8인치는 정상적인 고폭탄은 냅두고 반철갑탄을 쓰게 설정했나?

A. Several German cruisers will receive proper HE shells (203mm Spr.gr L/4,7 Kz), along with slightly better HE ammo characteristics, in one of the next updates. However, we don’t plan to implement semi-AP ammo (along with specific mechanics).
앞으로 있을 업데이트 중에 해당하는 문제를 가진 독일 순양함은 제대로된 고폭탄을 받을거다. 반철갑탄은 게임 메카닉으로 구현하기가 곤란하다.

10. Do you plan to increase tier 7 and above US BB’s accuracy? Incidentally, tier 7-9 fire less shells in a single salvo than tier 6 and below.
7티 이상 미전함 명중율좀.

A. Yes, we plan to increase accuracy on North Carolina, Iowa and Montana. Stay tuned.
8티이상 미전함 명중율을 향상할 계획이 있다. 김치국 잘 마시고 있도록.

Lv72 Everlong

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