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모바일 상단 메뉴

본문 페이지

[뉴스] 전당캐릭터 경치 소식...

댓글: 7 개
조회: 1094
2013-12-11 02:55:42


Paragon level pools are separate between Normal and Hardcore characters. Dead Hardcore characters will have their paragon levels attributed to the total Paragon level for all your Hardcore characters.

Bro, this question has been answered numerous times. Nevalistis has probably answered it at least 3 time alone.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to dead characters counting towards the total Paragon level...

That had NOT been confirmed yet.

I should clarify that this is how it's currently working in Beta, and that nothing is ever final. So long as it continues to work properly, I believe this is our current plan. =)

파란글이 커뮤니티 매니저가 올린 답글인데...
죽은 영웅의 경험치를 공유시켜 주는것이 계획이라고는 하는데.. 

현재 진행중인F&F beta서비스에서는 적용되고 있다고 확실하게 말하네욧....

본서비스에도 꼭 적용되길.. 

100랩 두마리 보낸 저로서는..... 꼭 이루어지길 바라는 맘.....

전당에 있는 쓰러진 영웅들 지우지 마시길....

혹.. 적용 안된다고 하더라도... 마지막 희망을 놓진 마세요....

Lv77 wls11

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