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[블루] 이펙트 편지에 대한 제프카플란 답변

댓글: 34 개
조회: 8644
추천: 4
2018-01-30 23:51:08
Dear Effect,
I love watching you play! You are so incredibly talented. I'm very aware of the frustration you are facing and the issues that you talk about are part of our daily discussions.
"Fixing the one trick issue" is extremely complicated for a lot of different reasons. There is a spirit, freedom and creativity to the game that we are eager to protect. But I also believe that (especially at your level of play) other players can cause a detrimental experience.
I don't have immediate solutions to your problem that don't drastically change the face of Overwatch. But I do want you to know that we care and that we are very engaged in brainstorming solutions.
Changes will not happen fast on this subject. But with that said, we have placed urgency on ourselves to make a change. For example, one thing we are examining now is all of the reasons players do not want to group with each other when they play (and there currently are a lot -- some real and some perceived). I wish there was a world where OW players felt like they could play with who they want. This would be an immediate solve to the problem but we are a long way from achieving such a state.
In any event, please know that I hear your frustration. We'll do our best to make OW better not only for pros like you, but for everyone who faces similar challenges.
All the best,
jeffrey + ow team

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