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[레딧] 렝가에 대한 Scarizard의 최근 답변 (스압)

아이콘 CaNNoNS
댓글: 99 개
조회: 21785
2013-08-18 20:27:56
Scarizard의 최신 답변들입니다.
양이 워낙 많다보니 퀄리티는 좀 떨어집니다.
의역이 많지만 전체적인 맥락은 파악하실 수 있을 거에요.

장황하게 말이 많지만, 결론은 새로운 은신 버전을 테스트해보겠다는 것.

이번 수정안의 컨셉에 대한 담당자의 생각이 궁금하신 분은 한번 읽어보세요.


앞부분은 지들 얘기라 생략하겠습니다.

(나는 너희들을 피하는 것도 아니고, 의사소통을 열심히 하려고 하는데 그러지 못했다면 미안하고 나도 사람이고 등등.)
A few thoughts:
Firstly, a personal one. I'm not -hiding- from any of you guys because i stopped posted an hour after i posted the changes. I just left the office because work was over and i had plans. It happens to be Friday, and i'm a human being - so i went to see the 'All Random, All Mediums' Art Show with non-league pieces auctioned by the creators of league art themselves. The show was awesome, the art was awesome, the people were awesome.
And i spent 100% of it on my droid reading the forums, taking a break, refreshing the forums. The ride up, the show, the dinner, the ride home. I am not hiding from you. I care what you think. I spend honestly far too much time reading what everyone has to say from the truly unique but maybe hard to balance ideas, to the flatly incorrect, to the constructive feedback, to the rage about anything i do.
I'm being sincere when i say i wish i could just post more and communicate more, and i apologize if i'm never able to meet that threshold of attention that you guys desire, especially when we are working on big changes that you dudes are passionate about.

(Xelnath는 좋은 친구다. 오해는 풀고 너무 비난하지 마라. )
Second, about Xelnath. Xelnath is a cool dude - he has a ton of experience in design, and despite his crazy 'somedays i'll crash the playtest with my mad scientist ideas' i learn a good bit from him just based on the set of values that he has, even when they clash with what's balanced/balanceable in our game.
We also disagree on a ton of things. Especially on the removal of stealth from Rengar's ultimate. It was something i was trying because the tuning of our previous 'warning' mechanics were leaving much to be desired and not doing a whole ton in the way of counterplay, and he actually really enjoyed it.
This isn't 'Xelnath approved! You all have to like it!' I'd just appreciate people laying off personally attacking him or his play just because he happens to think it's good. Dude plays a ton of 

Lv68 CaNNoNS

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